Monday, December 16, 2013

37 Things: The Rollovers


I knew that my 37 Things list was overly ambitious and for that reason I am rolling over 12 things. Combined with a new (forthcoming) list of 38 Things that makes an even 50.

1. Run 50 miles a month.
2. Log at least 750 miles over year.
3. Improve pace significantly and consistently.
4. Cross-train (cycling, Pilates, whatever)
5. Run NYC marathon again.

6. Go out on 12 dates.

Exploration and Learning
7. Learn Spanish.

8. Bring back Grandma's Test Kitchen as Sunday Dinner.
9. Assemble collection of grandmother's recipes (with pictures!) and publish (flip book, blog, whatever).

10. Write monthly blog posts.
11. Write book reviews.

12. Ride roller coasters

Sunday, June 2, 2013

8th Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge

It’s that time again!

The 48 Hour Book Challenge (#48hbc) will take place June 8-10. I’m planning on reading from 7:00pm 10:00pm Friday  to 7:00pm 10:00pm Sunday. I will be running my favorite race from last year (New York Mini 10K) and participating in my favorite NYC library advocacy event (We Will Not Be Shushed Read In). Registration for the Mini is closed, but if you're in NYC you can still sign up to read here. I volunteered to read between midnight and 8am. I'm crossing my fingers for 4:30ish.

 I’ve piled my stack of books (see below), downloaded an audio book (Tortall and Other Lands by Tamora Pierce), and selected my baked good (Vegan BreakfastCookies). After failing to go vegan for the month of May, I’m attempting Mark Bittman’s VB6: Vegan Before Six during June. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

37 Things


When I turned 37 in January, I made a list of 37 things to do before turning 38. I am amused that only a handful of things are even tangentially work-related, but I take that as a sign that I am satisfied with how my career as a librarian has progressed over the last six years.

1. Run 50 miles a month.
2. Log at least 750 miles over year.
3. Improve pace significantly and consistently.
4. Enter 12 races.
5. Volunteer at races.
6. Join a running club.
7. Buy new running shoes.
8. Cross-train (cycling, Pilates, whatever)
9. Run NYC marathon again.

Health, Wellness, and General Good
10. Eat more vegetables.
11. Drink more water.
12. Take lunch (at least 30 minutes) and break every day.
13. Be vegan for a month.
14. Give blood more than twice a year. Aim for every 56 days if possible.

Organization and Finances
15. Pay off credit cards.
16. Cancel gym membership or start going to gym.
17. Visit storage space.
18. Purchase file cabinets.
19. Hang things on wall.
20. Update resume

21. Go out on 12 dates.
22. Hangout with friends haven't seen in a long time: Sonya, Alissa, Dawn, Susan, and Mooney.
23. Redeem all Brokelyn Beer Book coupons.
24. Have fun with the Polite Society Adventure Club.
25. Hold summer bar crawl exchange.
26. Celebrate as many birthdays as possible.

Exploration and Learning
27. Find that elusive fourth hobby: reading, running, cooking/baking, and ?
28. Take Knife Skills class at Brooklyn Kitchen on 4/30. 
29. Learn Spanish.

30. Bring back Grandma's Test Kitchen as Sunday Dinner. 
31. Assemble collection of grandmother's recipes (with pictures!) and publish (flip book, blog, whatever).
32. Eat weird new and interesting things with Gastronauts.
33. Write monthly blog posts.
34. Write book reviews. (If all works out, I should be doing this for SLJ's Adult Books 4 Teens.)

35. Travel somewhere that requires a passport and is not related to a library conference.
36. Ride roller coasters
37. Say "Yes!"