Thursday, December 20, 2007

tis the season, the busy bee season

I made my 100th QL Chat post and (surprise, surprise) it was about QL L2.0. In addition to wrapping up Learning 2.0, I've got 8 million teens trying to squeeze in 15 hours of community service before the end of the year. And, of course, there is the necessary lunch-time shopping excursions to purchase last-minute gifts.

My young adult literature and services professor told us we should try and touch every book in our collection at least one year, and 10 months in I think I have finally accomplished that task. I finished weeding biographies yesterday. I tossed one on Hillary Clinton from the late '90s that speculated what she might do when her stint as First Lady ended. Would she return to her law practice? Would she become a judge? Would she someday run for public office? I'm not sure why I find out-dated books hilarious, but I do.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

myself, an elf

The Internet is full of many silly things. My friend, who freelance edits, just sent me a video featuring dancing elves. I am the elf on the end. (Why is my head always tilted in photos?!) While preferable, sound is not necessary.

I wish there was a way to embed this:

Myself and Others in ElfYourself

Go here to make your own:

Sunday, December 9, 2007

the L-list

Friday was the last day of the New Librarian seminar. After lunch we were given a tour of the Central Library. We split into groups and introduced ourselves to the tour guide, who I later realized was Librarianne 2.0. When I said, "Karen, YA Librarian, Forest Hills," she asked, "Hood and Hat?" It made me giggle. You forget, because people rarely leave comments, that someone might actually be reading your blog.

I've spent the weekend in the suburban country (Westminster, MD) and now it's time to head back to the big city.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


A bunch of books I ordered for library came through in the bins this morning. I was digging through for the request envelopes and each time I happened upon one (Get Well Soon, Someday This Pain Will Be Useful To You, Lessons From a Dead Girl), I squealed. The customer service reps always look at me like I'm a little nutty, but don't they know books are exciting?!

I wonder if someday I'll stop finding new books exciting. Hmmmm ... doubtful.