Tuesday, June 2, 2009

from millennials survey

Wordle always gets to the bottom of things, huh? The question was:

Are there other services not specified in question 16 that you would like to see ALA offer?

Opportunities for new librarians, including mentoring and networking.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Computers and Libraries 2009

I made some posts about the Computers and Libraries 2009 conference over at the PLA Blog. They're tagged CIL2009.

The overall theme seemed to be engagement. Lots of good stuff. I wish our library had sent more people, but these times are tough, eh?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

waiting for the lamb

March marked two big changes: I moved back to Brooklyn after two years in Queens and started a new position at my library. It's temporary position that should last through the end of the calendar year. I have a new title -- Functional Design Manager -- and a job description:

The position is responsible for investigating and recommending 'next level' system behaviors to provide the most elegant customer experience. Responsible for providing consultant services for features, user interface, and functional specifications.

That's me, Hood and Hat, bringing the elegance. I'm psyched about the opportunity and excited about helping to bring about change at my'brary, but there's a loop that keeps replaying in my head, telling me that I'm no longer a librarian. I miss the day-to-day interaction with customers and my co-workers, as well as the handling books, but I'm starting to get used to sitting at a desk all day. I've been listening to woxy.com and no one can hear me sing along or see me bop in my chair.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

February/March '09: You Asked For It

New board! The next one will probably be for National Library Week.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

ALA Emerging Leaders, 2009

I had no idea you could squish so many people into a photo. My group (L) is studying the recruitment of millennial generation into library-related professional organizations.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

plogging in the am

I'm posting about my midwinter experiences over at the PLA Blog. Well, let me rephrase that: so far I have made one post about the
Emerging Leaders program over at the PLA Blog.

Also, due to the two-hour time difference I found myself awake at 5am. Since I have three roommates, I made my way to a Starbucks on 16th Street so I could access the free wi-fi because jerky Marriott charges $12.95 per day per person for Internet access.

I don't have another meeting until 10am. Perhaps it's time for a dip in the hotel pool?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

you asked for it

Every so often I run a suggestion box ... the lazy librarian's teen advisory group. My next bulletin board is going to feature Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin (Abe & Chuck), but the following one will be "You Asked For It." I'll list the suggestions and then a response so teens can see they have the power to influence the library. So ... here's what they want:

  • Classes, such as how to write a correct essay report (age 12)
  • Bleach DVDs**
  • Twilight* (age 16)
  • The Host**
  • Naruto DVDs (age 10)
  • Currents in Drama (scripts)
  • Watchmen, From Hell, Sin City, V for Vendetta, Tin Tin, Asterix (age 23)
  • More A-list and Gossip Girl books (age 14)
  • Sports teams (age 12)
  • Rebirth manga (age 17)
  • Any PSP games. Good ones. Please. (age 12)
  • Brave Story
  • Hikaru No Go**
  • Fullmetal Alchemist volume 16-20. Please. (age 9)
  • Shonen Jump issues. New ones! (age 14)
  • One Piece volumes 5-14
  • Bleach volumes 24 and 25 (age 11)
  • One Piece DVDs
  • Simpsons books
  • Kufu*** DVDs
  • Naruto volume 33 (age 11)
  • Fruits Basket
I'm thinking of launching a TAG in March. Let them pick stuff to purchase, suggest summer reading programs, etc.

*Apparently 17 copies is not enough.
**Suggested by multiple people.
***Kung Fu?